Enrollment Options

You may be wondering what the new Enrollment Options card is under the Course Settings tab. Well, you're in the right place! I'll be walking you through each of the settings under this section.

Note: The Enrollment Options feature will be available for Trainers and Admins in Course Settings for clients on the Enterprise Tier only. If you do not see this card on your Course Settings tab and would like to have this functionality, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager directly or send us a message at learn@trakstar.com, and we'll be happy to assist you! 

To access the Enrollment Options card in the course settings, you will go to Courses on the left-hand navigation, click on the course you'd like to adjust settings for, select the "Settings" tab on the flyover page appears from the right. You will see it under the Course Settings card. 


Group Auto-Enrollment


When this setting is enabled, a Trainer or Admin can pick one or many groups for automatic enrollment into the course (Ex.  “Any time a user is added to the group Cat Lovers of America, the system automatically enrolls the user in this course, Guide to Exotic Cats.”)

The new trainees in the specified groups will immediately have a status of Invited for the course with an Enrollment Method of “Invited by AutoEnroll.” 


The setting does not work retroactively; members in the group before the setting is enabled will not get automatically invited. However, you can still invite them to courses typically. 

If you have any deadlines set for this course (designated by the Deadline setting on the Course Settings card), they will remain the same for this course and any users invited to the course through the group auto-enrollment (Ex. Suppose you have a deadline set for seven days on the Guide to Exotic Cats course. In that case, when a new user is added to the group Cat Lovers of America, they will also have to complete the Guide to Exotic Cats course within seven days of being added to the group and invited to the course). 

Deleting a Group or disabling the setting will not cancel any existing invitations for the course; disabling will prevent future trainees from being automatically enrolled when assigned to a Group. 



The Trainer or Admin sets up a recurring course when this setting is enabled. You select the schedule you want the system to follow for when the trainees will be re-enrolled in the course. (Ex. As a trainer, I need my trainees to take the Guide to Exotic Cats course every two years to meet compliance/re-certification requirements. I will input 2 in the field and select Year(s) from the drop-down. This will ensure my trainees will be re-enrolled in this course every two years.) 

If there is a Deadline on the course, the system will base the schedule on the deadline.  (Ex. If the deadline is initially set for 12/1/2019 and the recurrence schedule is set for one year, the next iteration of the course will have a deadline of 12/1/2020.  The system will use the invitation settings)

If there is no Deadline on the course, the system will use the completion date for the schedule.  (Ex. If the recurrence schedule is set for one year and the trainee completes the course on 8/15/2019, the next iteration of the course will have an invitation date of 8/15/2020.)

After the trainee completes the course, a new course attempt will be created for the user/course and have Pending Invite status. The trainee will be displayed in Courses>Trainees as “Completed” until two weeks before the following invitation.  The trainee's status will show as “Pending Invitation” two weeks before the re-enrollment invitation and then "Invited" once the invitation date is met. If the re-enrollment/re-certification schedule is less than two weeks, the completion will show for 24 hours, and then it will change to “Pending Invite.”

Follow-up Courses


When this setting is enabled, the Trainer or Admin can set a learning path for trainees. They can select one course as a follow-up course, but several courses can be linked together by enabling this setting on each follow-up course. 

The user can choose to enroll the trainee in a follow-up course either immediately upon completion of the first course or choose to enter a specific number of days, weeks, months, or years to wait before inviting.

If scoring is enabled on the course, the trainee will be enrolled in the follow-up course upon completing the first course with a passing score (timing dependent on the schedule selected). 

If scoring is not enabled on the first course, the trainee will be enrolled in the follow-up course after completing the first course (timing dependent on the schedule selected). 

If a delay is set for the follow-up course invitation, the trainee will have a completed status for the first course and then “Pending Invite” for the follow-up course.


The course attempt for the follow-up course will display an enrollment method of “Invited by AutoEnroll.” 

Note: This setting is not retroactive. If a trainee completed the initial course before the follow-up course was added to this setting, they would not be auto-enrolled in the follow up-course. 


Reporting will show the most recent/current course attempt. Advanced Reporting (from the Reports tab on left-hand navigation) will not display any records in the Pending Invite status. Essential reporting/exports (real-time reporting from Courses or Users tabs) will show those trainees in the Pending Invite status. We hope to iterate on this and add some additional reporting on this feature in the future. 

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