How can I grant catalog access on the Trainee Dashboard?

To have your catalog easily accessible to your trainees from their dashboard you have 2 options. 

1. You can either make the catalog available to all trainees, which means every active user in your account will have the option of seeing the catalog and all the modules and courses therein.

2. If you want to limit who sees the catalog, you can do this by group. Check the box to enable the internal catalog, and then choose the “Only these groups:” option and enter which groups should see the catalog.

3. If you want to send your own email sharing catalog access to trainees, you can use the Send Email button. Clicking “Send Email” will email either all trainees, or the trainees in the specific groups you have designated. The email will inform the trainee of any new courses that were recently added to the catalog and include a link to the internal catalog.

Note: Once you make your Catalog available, trainees will be able to access it via their dashboard. There will be a Course Catalog toggle added to the top right of their dashboard

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