How can I find a list of trainees who have failed a course?

If you would like to get the list of trainees who have failed a course so that you can reset them, please do the following:

  1. Click Courses from the Left Navigation.
  2. Select Courses and right window will appear.
  3. Visit the Trainees tab for the Course
  4. Click on the filter icon to the right of the search boxfilter1.png
  5. On the drop-down menu for “Progress”, select "Failed" 



You will now get a list of trainees who have failed the course. You can take action on individual trainees by mousing over their name and clicking on the buttons that appear.

To take action on all the trainees in the list, click the checkbox near the "Name" column to select all trainees who have failed and then take action on them e.g. Reset.


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