Understanding New Learn Dashboard

We've designed a new homepage for our learning platform to make finding and continuing your educational journey easier and more engaging. With five distinct sections, our updated homepage layout offers a clear and organized overview of all the courses available to learners, including those you've started, planned to tackle, or completed.

This article will guide you through the features of our new homepage, highlighting how it's structured to help you make the most of your learning experience. Let's explore the changes and how they can benefit your journey towards knowledge and growth.

New Homepage Sections

The new homepage consists of five primary sections. For each section, the learner is provided with a total number of courses within each section and a carousel view that allows them to side-scroll through all of their courses. Additionally, each section has a 'View All' button that allows you to view all of their courses for that given section on one page. Courses are displayed via 'Course Cards' representing individual courses available to the trainee.

Below is a rundown of each section, what courses are displayed in each, and course card information pertaining to the course section:

  • Continued Learning

    • Within this section are all of the courses that a trainee has started.
      • Courses that were directly assigned to them and courses that were self-enrolled.

        Courses within this section are actively able to be taken within their existing deadline.

      • If a course deadline passes without completion, it will be removed from this section and moved to the 'Failed Courses' section.
      • Deadline Countdown will let you know how many days are left within the deadline


  • Not Started

    • Within this section are all the courses a trainee has been directly assigned but has yet to start.
    • Courses within this section are actively able to be taken within their existing deadline.
    • Deadline Countdown will let you know how many days are left within the deadline.

  • Failed & Missed Deadline Courses

    • Within this section are all of the courses a trainee is enrolled into that have either exceeded their deadline and/or completed but failed (did not meet minimum passing score).

      Courses that were completed but failed can still be retaken when in this section.

      • Upon retaking a failed course, it will move from this section to the 'Continued Learning' section.

  • Completed Courses

    • Within this section are all of the courses a trainee has completed successfully.
      • This includes courses without a passing score and courses with a passing score.
      • You can obtain your certificate of completion by clicking the "Download Certificate" button.

  • Recommended Courses (Catalogs)

    • Within this section are individual subsections for each catalog available to the trainee.

Course Modal:

The course modal is the pop-up window that appears when you click on a course card. Within the modal are three tabs or sections.

  • Course Details
    • Within this section, a learner can view all the course-level details of a course.

      • Course Title
      • Course Description
      • Course Trainer w/ email
      • Due Date (if enabled)
      • Last Activity
      • Total Number of Modules in the course
      • Course Progress
      • Completion Date (only for completed courses)
      • Score (only for completed courses with scoring enabled)
      • Required Tag (if enabled)
      • Drop Course Button (if course is not required)

  • Modules
    • Within this section, you will have the ability to view all the module-level details of all the modules within the given course.

      • Module Name
      • Module Description
      • Handouts
      • Module Completion Date (only for completed modules)
      • Module Progress
      • Module Score (only for completed modules with scoring enabled)
      • Module Certificate (if enabled)
      • Module Slide Count
      • Module Last Activity
      • Launch / Resume / Review / Retake Buttons (On-demand modules only)
      • In-Person Module tag (In-Person modules only)
      • File Request Module Uploader (File Request modules only)

  • Handouts

    • Within this section you will have the ability to view, access, and download all of the handouts and links tied to all of the modules within the course.

      • For each handout file, the following displays:
        • File number
        • File Name
        • File Format
        • File Size
        • Download Button

          For each handout link, the following displays:

        • File number
        • File Name
        • File Format
      • Upon clicking on a handout file's download button, the file will be downloaded to your computer
      • Upon clicking on a handout link, a new tab within your browser will open with that link.
    • Upon clicking the 'Download All' button, all files are downloaded to your computer within a .zip

Profile Settings:

The profile settings section is where a user will be able to access the following:

  • Profile Settings
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Username
    • Email
    • Language Selector
    • Current Password
    • New Password

      Application Mode

    • Administrator View
    • Trainee View
  • Help & Support - Links to support.learn.trakstar.com
  • Log Out


The search bar at the top of the new homepage enables trainees to search for any catalogs, courses, or modules currently available. When they enter a search query, any catalogs, courses, or modules that contain the search term will be displayed.

  • If the search term appears within a catalog title, the entire catalog will display.
  • The course section and individual course will display if the search term appears within a course title.
  • If the search term appears within the module title, the course section and individual course that the module pertains to will display.

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