Reports Metrics Glossary

This glossary provides definitions for all metrics shown in the Report section of Learn. Note that an activity in Learn, such as a Trainee starting a course, is recorded as an “event” that happens at a specific time. All metric values in Analytics are calculated based on the events that occurred during the date range filter applied unless otherwise noted.

How group filtering works when a trainee switches groups

In Analytics, you can filter the metrics results by a group in addition to the date range. If a user were a member of a selected group for the entirety of the selected date range, then all of their course activity would be included in the resulting metrics due to historical status filtering. However, if a user’s group membership were to change during the date range, their course activity would be included in the group corresponding to the time when the user started the course. For example:

  • Let’s imagine you filter on the group “Sales” for the date range January 1 – March 31
  • Jennifer was in the Sales group from Jan 1 – Feb 28 and was moved to the Marketing group afterward
  • If Jennifer started a course in Sales in January and then completed it in March, that course completion would be included in the “Attempts Completed” metric, given that the Sales group filter is applied. Jennifer’s course completion would not be included in the Attempts Completed metric if the Marketing Group filter were applied instead.

Data refresh lag

Note that it may take a few minutes for an activity that has just concurred in the product to be reflected as an event in the Analytics metrics.

Metric Definition
Active Courses # of currently active courses; not subject to date range
Average Duration Sum of all course durations of completed courses / # of these courses
Active Modules # of currently active modules; not subject to date range
Active Trainees # of currently active trainees; not subject to date range
Attempts Completed

# of course attempts completed, regardless of when the course started

Attempts Completed = Attempts Passed + Attempts Failed

If a completed course is reset or updated such that the trainee can complete it again, the subsequent completion counts as a separate completion.

Attempts Failed # of courses failed, regardless of when the course started
Attempts In-Progress # of courses that were started but that have not missed the deadline, completed, or reset
Attempts Passed # of courses passed, regardless of when the course started
Average Attempts to Complete Module Some of the sums of module start needed to pass each given module / # of these passed modules, regardless of when the module starts.
Average Attempts to Pass Some of the sums, of course, start that was needed to pass each given course / # of these passed courses, regardless of when the course started happened.
Average Elapsed Time

Sum of the elapsed time between start and completion to complete a course / # of these courses

Elapsed Time is the time between two events, different from Duration.

Average Module Duration Sum of all module durations of completed modules / # of these modules
Average Module Elapsed Time

Sum of the elapsed time between start and completion to complete a module / # of these modules

Elapsed Time is the time between two events, different from Duration.

Average Module Score Sum of all completed modules’ scores / # of these modules that reported a score
Average Quiz <#> Score Sum of all Quiz <#> scores / # of times these quizzes was taken
Average Score Sum of all completed courses’ scores / # of these courses that reported a score
Average Training Time per Trainee The total duration of all trainees / # of trainees.
Completion Rate

(# of Completed courses/ # of Courses started) * 100

Completed courses must have started in the date range.

Course deadline date Deadline date set for completing the course, not subject to date range
Course Invited / Started / Completed Date Date when relevant Trainee activity happened within the date range
Course Name / Status Current attribute values of the course not subject to date range
Course Progress The status of the Trainee in the course as of the end of the date range
Course Score The course-level score that the Trainee received after completing the course in the date range
Duration Time spent within Mindflash app taking courses/modules
Invitations Sent

# of total course invitations sent

It does not include courses that are started via self-registration

Last Trainee Activity The last Trainee-related activity was within the date range (e.g., starting or completing a course). It does not include administrative activity such as changing a course’s settings (e.g., changing a completion deadline).
Latest Module Started Name of the latest module in the course that the trainee within the date range started
Missed Deadlines # of times a missed deadline happened, regardless of if/when the course started
Module Pass Rate

(# of passed modules / # of modules started) * 100

Passed modules must have started in the date range.

Pass Rate

(# of Passed courses /# of Courses started) * 100

passed courses must have started in the date range

Total Attempts # of courses that were started, including ones that have missed the deadline
Total Time Trained

Sum of the duration of all modules taken

Only the duration that took place within the date range is counted.

Trainee Email or Username / First Name / Last Name / Group Memberships / Created Date / Status / Custom Field 1-10 Current attribute values of the trainee user, not subject to date range

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