Creating a Custom Certificate Style

Certificates are a great way to reward your trainees for completing courses!  You can use built-in options or customize your certificate to match your branding.

Setting Up Custom Certificates

If you'd like to add the certificate from within the course, navigate to the Settings tab and scroll down to Certificates.  Click on Change Certificate Style. You can edit the certificate options here.  

A pop-up window will appear with our built-in certificates.  You can select one or click the radio button next to Custom Certificate.  Next, click Create Custom Certificate to begin the process.

Don't see the option for custom certificates in your account?  Reach out to your account manager or the support team.

Editing the Custom Certificate

The Custom Certificate template is meant to be a guideline for you or your designer when creating the template. You can use this as an overlay for creating the template in an image editor of your choice. The size of the certificate is 8.5” tall by 11” wide.

The solid boxes show where text would appear if a field is chosen there. If you choose not to display a field in that region, no text will appear and will not cover anything in the certificate background. It is meant to be a guideline.

Upload a Background Image

Once you have created a certificate image, clicking Upload a Background Image will allow you to upload the image in .png or .jpg format. The image will display as the certificate background below.  Custom Certificates only support .png and .jpg files.

Download PDF Preview

Clicking Download PDF Preview will preview the Custom Certificate.  This will populate the fields you've set and allow you to see precisely what your certificate will look like! If you already have a trainee in this module or course, you will see a list of all those trainees in alphabetical order in the search box. If no trainee is selected, it will default to the logged-in admin or trainer information.

Certificate Fields

Each Custom Certificate will allow you to select and add up to eleven fields to be displayed on the certificate.  These fields will pull data directly from your Learn account to customize each certificate for the trainee!

  1. Trainee Name: The trainee’s first and last name
  2. Company Name: Your organization’s name.
  3. Module or Course Score: The score that the trainee received after completing the module or course
  4. Module or Course Name: The title of the module or course
  5. Completion Date: The date that the trainee completed the module or course
  6. Trainer Name: The trainer’s name for the course
  7. Blank: Choosing this field will display no text and be left blank. This can be used if you choose not to display anything in that location.
  8. Text Field: Choosing this field allows you to enter any text you choose. For example, you can enter “Congratulations” and display “Congratulations” in the space where you selected the field.
  9. Any Custom field: You can select any of the ten custom fields you use. When a custom field is selected, it will display its title and the entry. For example, if the custom field is “Job Title” and the entry is “Engineer,” then the text will display on the certificate “Job Title: Engineer.”

Once you have selected your fields, click Apply at the top.  This will save your certificate!


Can I change the font or font size on my custom certificates?

No, you cannot edit the font, size, or color.  You can add additional static text via the background image.

There are two different font sizes in the Custom Certificates. In the center stack of fields, the font size is 24pt.

The bottom row of fields is 15pt.

Who will receive the new custom certificate?

Every trainee who completes this particular module or course will receive this certificate. 

What if I revert to the default certificates? Will my custom certificate be saved?

You can revert to the default Trakstar Learn certificate templates if you decide not to use the Custom Certificate option. The Custom Certificate you created will be saved if you want to use it again.

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