Tips for Getting Started with Online Learning
To create a compelling and engaging online course, there are several things you need to consider. Answer these three questions before launching your first course in Trakstar Learn:
1) WHO needs to be involved?
- How many people will be managing the rollout of Learn? Are they all comfortable with the features and functionality? If not, please pass along the link to our Help Center.
2) HOW will you organize your users?
- Are you training your entire company or a segment of your company? If you are training customers or partners, are you pushing out generic courses or customized curricula for each contact? Groups are a great way to segment your trainee population. They can also be used as filters in reports.
- How extensive is your user list? Will it change frequently? There are several ways to upload and manage user lists, but you should plan which one works best for your program BEFORE you launch.
3) WHEN will you launch?
- What’s your timeline for launching your courses? Do you plan to push everything out at once or plan on a phased rollout? Either way, you should know specific dates and communicate those dates to your trainees. We recommend sending out an email at least a week before inviting users to communicate what Learn is and why/how your organization will use it.