Duration Time Calculations

The module, course, and total training duration times in the trainee's results.  Reporting is calculated in Learn as follows:

Module Duration TimeModule Completion Timestamp - Module Start Timestamp

Course Duration Summation of All Module Durations within the course

Total Training Duration = Summation of all Course Durations within the account

Want to explore these metrics more?  Check out Insights and the Average Active Training Time metric.  Learn more here!

Limitations to the Duration Time Calculations

If a trainee starts a module but stops before finishing it and doesn't log out of their account, Learn does not know that they took a break - the system continues to calculate the course duration.  Therefore, this trainee may show an inflated module duration.

There is a cap on the duration of twenty-four (24) days.  If a trainee's module is more than twenty-four days, the duration will appear in the UI as 596:31:23.

That being said, courses with extensive modules are more likely to be impacted. We recommend having smaller modules within your courses to better align with learning and developing best practices.

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