Best Practices - Pre-Launch Checklist

You're ready to launch Learn to your organization - but wait a minute! You may want to go over a few things before you fully launch Learn - here is a handy list to review!

Set Your Logo

Make sure your logo is imported, and the branding is all set.

Pro Tip: If your logo includes your company name, we suggest changing your Company Name under branding to something general, like Training Portal. 

When trainees view the course, your logo is displayed next to the Company Name - so keeping the company name in that field will display it multiple times. Take a look at the screenshot below for an example, where we have entered "Training Portal" as the Company Name, as the name of the company is displayed in the logo:

Load Content Into the System

Set up your modules, and ensure they are organized into courses. Remember, a module is like a book chapter - and the course is the whole book.  The courses are the content that you'll be assigning to your trainees.

Add Trainees & Assign Courses

Add trainees into the system, and set them up in groups for easy organization. Do they need a refresher on how to use Learn?  Send them the Role Trak for trainees on Trakstar Academy!

Add Managers

Add managers and anyone you'd like to manage the trainees, view reports, and more in the system.  Trakstar Academy will show everything they can do in the system!

Share Previews

Once you've added your managers, enroll them in the courses, and ask them to take a look and offer feedback.  A fresh set of eyes can go a long way!

Customize Certificates

If you'll be using certificates for course completion, now is the time to customize them!  Learn more here.

Bonus: Set Up Catalogs for Self-Enrollment

Catalogs are collections of courses that your trainees can self-enroll in.  It's a great resource that empowers your trainees to take learning into their own hands. Learn more here!

It looks like you are all set - go ahead and assign those courses to your trainees!  And remember, we're here if you have any questions -

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